All Articles Top Bulk Email Marketing Software: Compare Best Services 2024

Top Bulk Email Marketing Software: Compare Best Services 2024

Updated: May 19, 2024

A man looking at bulk email marketing software on his laptop.

Choosing the right bulk email marketing package is crucial for effective customer communication. This guide compares top services in 2024, focusing on features, pricing, and usability. Whether you're a startup or a large enterprise, the aim is to highlight key aspects of each email marketing platform, such as Maildroppa, GetResponse, MailerLite, and Constant Contact, to help you find a tool that matches your needs.

We'll cover the strengths and weaknesses of each service, from automation capabilities and user-friendliness to data security and compliance. The guide is designed to assist you in making an informed decision based on your specific marketing requirements and budget constraints.

By examining each option, you'll get insights into which software offers the best value for your business, ensuring you choose a solution that can grow with you.  

What Is Bulk Email Marketing Software?

Bulk email marketing software is a tool designed to send email messages to large groups of people simultaneously. It's essential for businesses looking to communicate promotions, updates, or newsletters to their audience efficiently.

This software simplifies managing large email lists, allowing for segmentation based on various criteria to ensure messages are targeted and relevant. Features often include customizable templates, automation for scheduled sending, and analytics to track engagement and effectiveness. By using bulk email marketing software, businesses can maintain regular contact with their customers, fostering relationships and encouraging loyalty.

Hands on a notebook keyboard with floating email icons, depicting efficient use of bulk email marketing software.

Now, let's explore the diverse range of mass email software available, starting with Maildroppa, to identify which platform best suits your business needs.

1. Maildroppa

Maildroppa is an email marketing service designed for simplicity and affordability, targeting startups, small businesses, and bootstrapped companies. Developed in Germany, it focuses on essential email marketing features without overwhelming users with complexity.

Core Features

  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be intuitive, resembling popular email clients for ease of adoption.
  • Email Marketing Automation: Includes email sequences and customer journeys, streamlined for ease of use.
  • Newsletter Campaigns: Supports customizable subject lines with emojis and personalization tags. Offers privacy options like deactivating email tracking.
  • Security and Compliance: Adheres to email security standards with DMARC, DKIM, and SPF protocols. Ensures GDPR compliance, with servers in Germany for enhanced data protection.

Pricing and Accessibility

Maildroppa offers a free plan for up to 100 subscribers, with scalable paid options. The pricing model is designed to be transparent and budget-friendly, catering to the financial constraints of smaller entities. Importantly, all plans, including the free tier, allow for sending an unlimited number of emails per month, making it an ideal solution for businesses aiming to conduct extensive bulk email campaigns without worrying about hitting a cap.

Advantages for Small Businesses

  • Simplicity: The platform's ease of use makes it accessible for users with limited technical expertise.
  • Affordability: Its pricing structure is tailored for small-scale operations, offering essential features without high costs.
  • Data Privacy: With a focus on GDPR compliance and secure servers in Germany, Maildroppa is suitable for businesses concerned about data privacy.


Maildroppa is a straightforward, cost-effective mass email marketing solution that emphasizes user-friendliness, security, and compliance. It's positioned as a practical choice for small businesses and startups looking for essential email marketing solutions without the complexity and expense of larger platforms.

2. GetResponse

GetResponse, recognized as a leading bulk email provider, integrates generative AI to offer a user-friendly platform that consolidates various email marketing tools. This all-in-one approach is designed to enhance marketing efficiency and is particularly noted for its high email delivery rates.

However, certain aspects of GetResponse might not fully meet the needs of all users, especially small businesses or those on a tight budget. The platform's website and landing page builder, while functional, lack the customization and flexibility offered by dedicated services. This could be a limitation for users seeking to create highly personalized and unique web experiences.

Additionally, GetResponse's pricing model escalates with the growth of contact lists, which may become a significant financial consideration for businesses as they expand. This cost structure, alongside the fact that advanced features are predominantly available in higher-tier plans, presents a challenge for smaller entities or startups that are looking for comprehensive tools without a substantial investment.

3. MailerLite

MailerLite, recognized for its user-friendly interface, also shines as marketing automation software, offering a feature-rich free plan that includes automation workflows, a landing page builder, and survey capabilities to enhance your email marketing strategy. The integration with Stripe for selling digital products directly from landing pages and its high deliverability rates further enhance its attractiveness.

However, the platform's offerings come with notable limitations. Advanced features such as detailed reporting, comprehensive automations, CRM functionalities, and spam/design testing are absent, potentially impacting businesses that require depth in their email strategies.

The initial setup with MailerLite can be delayed due to a rigorous approval process, posing a challenge for users looking to quickly launch their marketing efforts. Additionally, the restriction of newsletter and landing page templates to paid plans limits the creative options for users on the free tier.

When it comes to subscriber management, MailerLite offers basic tools that may not meet the needs of users seeking advanced segmentation and personalization capabilities. The platform's e-commerce features, while present, cannot fully replace dedicated e-commerce solutions, and the grid-based system for building landing pages and websites may hinder customization compared to more adaptable platforms.

4. Constant Contact

Constant Contact excels in helping businesses create engaging email newsletters with its library of over 200 customizable, mobile-responsive templates and a drag-and-drop email editor, making it easy to maintain regular communication with your subscriber list. The platform excels in audience segmentation and analytics, providing clear insights into campaign performance. and maintains strong deliverability with extensive integrations to enhance workflow efficiency. This comprehensive approach ensures that email sending practices are both effective and compliant with current regulations.

However, Constant Contact's pricing can escalate, particularly for businesses in need of advanced features, posing a challenge for scaling operations. The platform's automation features lack the flexibility seen in competitors, potentially limiting the depth of marketing strategies. Users have reported occasional unresponsiveness and clunkiness in the user interface, which could impact the smoothness of campaign management.

The templates, while numerous, often appear outdated, lacking the contemporary design many users seek. Constant Contact does not offer comprehensive design and spam testing tools, including limited A/B testing capabilities, essential for optimizing email campaigns. Customization options for forms and landing pages are somewhat basic, offering limited templates that may not meet all marketing needs. Additionally, while live chat support is efficient, the responsiveness of phone and email support can be inconsistent, affecting the resolution of user queries and issues.

5. Brevo (Sendinblue)

Brevo, formerly known as Sendinblue, caters well to small and medium businesses as an email service provider with a suite of tools that include email, SMS, WhatsApp messaging, and web push notifications.

The platform's free plan is notably generous, offering accessibility for businesses at the outset or those with minimal requirements. Brevo is praised for its affordability, user-friendly interface, and simple CRM integration, making it a solid choice for integrating marketing and sales efforts.

Despite these strengths, Brevo faces several challenges that may impact its utility for some users. The platform's landing page functionality is basic, especially when compared to dedicated landing page builders. This potentially limits the effectiveness of web-based marketing campaigns. Additionally, the use of credits for accessing certain features introduces extra costs that can accumulate, affecting the overall affordability.

Users have reported occasional slow loading times within the platform, which could hinder the efficiency of campaign setup and management. Importing data into Brevo can be finicky, posing challenges for businesses looking to migrate or sync their contact lists seamlessly. The platform's forms, essential for subscribing and unsubscribing processes, lack default setups, requiring manual effort to implement necessary features like double opt-in activation.

The design and technical integration capabilities of Brevo's integrated forms are limited, potentially affecting the aesthetic and functional aspects of user engagement strategies. Managing contact re-assignments and handling unsubscribes, particularly when not utilizing Brevo's registration forms, can be cumbersome, complicating list management practices.

Mobile optimization within the email editor necessitates switching between modes, which can be tedious for marketers aiming to ensure their campaigns are fully responsive. Furthermore, integrating Brevo with certain platforms, such as Plentymarkets, via plugins, has been identified as problematic, indicating potential integration difficulties with specific external services.

6. AWeber

AWeber distinguishes itself with robust list management tools and unique sales tracking capabilities, integrating email web analytics and PayPal for comprehensive sales insights. Its support system is commendable, offering extensive educational resources for beginners. The platform also boasts a wide selection of well-designed landing page templates and maintains high deliverability rates, ensuring emails consistently reach inboxes. AWeber makes it straightforward for users to send emails that engage their audience effectively.

However, AWeber's pricing can be steep, especially when considering that unsubscribed email addresses count towards the monthly subscriber quota, potentially inflating costs unnecessarily. The platform's automation features and segmentation capabilities are relatively basic, lacking the sophistication needed for more complex email marketing campaigns. This simplicity, while beneficial for beginners, may not satisfy the needs of advanced users seeking in-depth automation and spam/design testing features.

AWeber's user interface, criticized for feeling outdated, coupled with a confusing initial setup process, could deter users looking for a more modern and intuitive experience. Additionally, the platform's focus on simplicity results in a lack of advanced features and a dedicated segmentation section, making targeted marketing efforts more challenging to execute.

 These limitations highlight areas where AWeber may not fully meet users' evolving needs, particularly those requiring more advanced capabilities and a more streamlined user experience.

7. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign stands out as a sophisticated email marketing system, renowned for its automation capabilities and detailed analytics. These make it a formidable tool for advanced email marketing and CRM integration. Its commitment to high deliverability rates and the inclusion of features like SMS campaigns and machine learning for predictive sending and email content optimization underscore its advanced approach to digital marketing.

Despite these strengths, potential users may encounter hurdles. The platform's complexity introduces a steeper learning curve, potentially daunting for those seeking simpler solutions.

The absence of a free version, only mitigated by a limited free trial, could deter small businesses or individuals on tight budgets from committing to the platform. Additionally, ActiveCampaign charges for email client preview tests, adding extra costs for those meticulous about email appearance across different clients.

The Lite plan's limited integrations may restrict users from leveraging the full potential of their tech stack without upgrading to more expensive plans. Furthermore, the email templates provided by ActiveCampaign are considered basic, lacking the design sophistication that some users might expect. The absence of a built-in stock image library further complicates the email design process, requiring users to source images externally.

While ActiveCampaign includes a CRM, it may not offer the depth or functionality of dedicated CRM platforms, potentially limiting its effectiveness for sales teams.

The platform's reporting, although comprehensive, can be overwhelming to navigate, complicating the extraction of actionable insights.

8. Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor offers a user-friendly experience with its wide range of customizable email templates and an intuitive WYSIWYG interface, simplifying the process of sending bulk emails for businesses of all sizes. Its analytics are tailored for small and medium businesses, providing valuable insights through a visually appealing dashboard. The platform also facilitates the easy creation of email automation workflows and integrates smoothly with CRM systems, enhancing overall marketing efforts.

However, users may encounter challenges with contact importing, as matching custom fields can be cumbersome. The absence of an SMS marketing channel limits the scope of multi-channel campaigns.

Support is another area where Campaign Monitor falls short, with limited direct online assistance, potentially delaying the resolution of urgent issues.

The platform's integration capabilities, while extensive, do not cover some popular platforms like Instagram and certain CRM software, which could hinder seamless marketing operations.

The risk of overriding edits in the template builder due to a lack of multi-user editing alerts can lead to loss of work, adding to frustration. Additionally, the lack of a landing page builder and basic segmentation options may restrict the effectiveness of targeted campaigns. Complexities in domain verification and the absence of native social media sharing capabilities further complicate the user experience. Without live chat support, obtaining immediate help becomes more challenging, potentially impacting campaign timelines and effectiveness.

9. Drip

Drip excels in serving e-commerce businesses with its deep integrations for platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, and BigCommerce, alongside a user-friendly interface and robust automation tools designed for online sales enhancement. Its focus on detailed customization and targeting, combined with professional email templates and a visual workflow builder, positions Drip as a strong contender in the e-commerce marketing space.

However, the platform's comprehensive feature set may present a steep learning curve for some users, potentially making it less intuitive for beginners. The absence of a landing page builder within Drip limits the scope of direct marketing campaigns, requiring users to seek external solutions for landing page creation. Pricing concerns emerge, especially for smaller businesses, with Drip's pricing model becoming less predictable and potentially expensive as the contact count exceeds 7,000.

Additionally, the email templates, while user-friendly, might not satisfy those looking for advanced design capabilities.

Support options are more limited compared to competitors, primarily relying on email or a knowledge base, which could delay issue resolution.

The lack of a free option restricts access for early-stage startups or small businesses with limited budgets. Furthermore, live chat support is reserved for accounts with more than 5,000 contacts, and the absence of native integration with major website builders like WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix could complicate the integration process for users relying on these platforms for their online presence.

10. Keap (Infusionsoft)

Keap, formerly known as Infusionsoft, integrates CRM and email marketing functionalities, streamlining the management and automation of sales and marketing processes. It simplifies adding contacts and offers excellent support options, including access to a customer success manager. The platform is known for its efficient lead collection and scoring, customizable features, and good reporting functionalities, alongside the ability to integrate with tools like Zapier.

However, Keap's pricing is on the higher side, potentially making it less accessible for small businesses. The platform offers a limited selection of email and landing page templates, and while it provides reporting features, there's room for improvement in detail and user-friendliness. Integrations with other software may incur additional monthly fees, and the free data migration service has limitations. The contact-based pricing model means costs can escalate as the email list grows.

Some users find Keap challenging to navigate, citing its complexity as a barrier to effective use. The platform also lacks sufficient integrations with social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, and its pricing plans can be complex and unpredictable.

Support options are more limited compared to competitors, and the account cancellation process is noted for being cumbersome, requiring a form submission and a callback, which could deter potential users looking for flexibility and ease of use.

11. Moosend

Moosend offers a compelling suite of marketing automation workflows, detailed reporting, and a user-friendly email builder at an affordable price point. Its support system is noted for being accessible and helpful, directly from the editors. The platform is praised for its high deliverability rates and ease of use, making it an attractive option for beginners and small to medium-sized businesses seeking value for money.

However, Moosend's selection of signup form and landing page templates is limited, potentially impacting the aesthetic and functional aspects of user engagement strategies. The removal of its freemium plan restricts access to only a free trial, which may limit long-term testing and exploration for new users.

Automation triggers, particularly advanced ones, are reserved for the more expensive Enterprise plan, which could deter smaller businesses in need of sophisticated tools.

The absence of SMS marketing capabilities narrows the scope for multi-channel campaigns, and the form builder's quality has room for improvement. While customer support is generally responsive, variability in live chat response times can affect the immediacy of assistance.

The platform lacks two-factor authentication, raising security concerns. A/B testing capabilities are basic, focusing on subject lines without support for more comprehensive testing strategies. Additionally, Moosend's range of third-party integrations, especially with landing page and popover tools, is less extensive than some competitors, potentially limiting seamless workflow integration.

12. Beehiiv

Beehiiv offers a user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, including segmentation, automation, and analytics, making it appealing to users at all skill levels. Its free tier for up to 2,500 subscribers and advanced subscriber metrics provide a solid foundation for startups and business validation. The platform is also noted for its excellent customer support and innovative growth tools like referral programs.

However, Beehiiv's integration capabilities are limited compared to other platforms, which could restrict users looking to automate workflows with other tools. The automation features, while present, do not match the sophistication of platforms specialized in this area, such as ActiveCampaign. The absence of a mobile app limits management flexibility, particularly for users needing to manage newsletters on the go.

Advanced features, including the platform's referral programs, are accessible only through its most expensive plans, potentially making Beehiiv less cost-effective for businesses as they grow. Additionally, the platform offers a newsletter course at a high price point, which may be prohibitive for users seeking to expand their knowledge without significant investment.

The blogging tool provided by Beehiiv may not meet the needs of users prioritizing content marketing, and the limited selection of design templates could hinder creative expression.

Lastly, Beehiiv's recent entry into the market might raise concerns for those seeking a platform with a proven track record.

13. EmailOctopus

EmailOctopus stands out for its affordability and user-friendly design, appealing to small businesses and beginners with its straightforward interface. The platform offers a selection of modern, visually appealing templates, despite their limited number. Its free plan is generous, accommodating startups and small businesses with basic email marketing needs, including welcome emails and drip campaigns. Customer support is accessible, assisting with live chat and email.

On the downside, EmailOctopus's feature set is basic, particularly in areas of advanced automation and segmentation, which might not suffice for users seeking more sophisticated marketing tools. The platform's template library could benefit from expansion, and the addition of a landing page builder would enhance its utility. A notable gap is the absence of A/B testing capabilities, requiring users to manually orchestrate comparative analyses of email campaigns.

 While EmailOctopus facilitates some integrations through Zapier, the direct integration with popular tools is limited, potentially complicating targeted marketing efforts and workflow automation for some users.

14. Birdsend

Birdsend positions itself as a cost-effective bulk email service, emphasizing simplicity and affordability, catering primarily to small businesses and individual marketers. Its user-friendly newsletter editor and straightforward autoresponder scheduling are designed to streamline email campaign creation and subscriber engagement, making it an ideal platform for executing email blast campaigns without complexity.

However, Birdsend faces challenges with email deliverability, a crucial aspect for ensuring that marketing messages reach subscribers' inboxes effectively. The platform's lack of segmentation options at the point of sign-up restricts the ability to tailor communications from the beginning of the subscriber journey. Additionally, there have been reports of tracking pixel malfunctions, potentially compromising the accuracy of engagement analytics.

The platform's interface aesthetics have received mixed reviews, with some users finding it less appealing, although this is a subjective area that may not directly affect functionality. Concerns have also been raised about the speed of bug fixes and the introduction of new features, suggesting a slower pace of platform development compared to some competitors. Furthermore, delays in automation processes, such as tag addition, could impact the efficiency of targeted marketing efforts.

Birdsend's appeal lies in its affordability and basic email marketing capabilities, making it a viable option for those with straightforward needs or budget constraints. However, its limitations in deliverability, segmentation, and platform development may prompt users with more advanced requirements or a focus on email deliverability to explore alternative solutions.


In conclusion, choosing the best bulk email marketing service in 2024 hinges on matching your specific needs with the right email sender capabilities. This guide has highlighted key features, pricing, and usability of top services like Maildroppa, GetResponse, and MailerLite, focusing on what makes each a contender for best bulk email services. Whether you aim to grow your email list, enhance your email analytics, or ensure successful email campaigns, understanding the strengths of each platform is crucial.

For businesses looking to send mass emails effectively, selecting a bulk email service that combines ease of use with powerful email delivery and marketing software is essential. From the affordability and simplicity of Maildroppa, ideal for small businesses, to ActiveCampaign's advanced analytics for crafting powerful email strategies, each service offers unique advantages.

The goal is to find a mass email service that allows you to send mass communications efficiently and supports your marketing objectives with robust analytics and list growth tools. With the right email marketing software, achieving impactful engagement and driving conversions becomes a more attainable target.

By focusing on the specific features that align with your marketing needs—whether you're looking for a platform to send mass emails with high deliverability or seeking the best email marketing software for analytics and growth—you can make an informed decision that positions your business for success. The choice of service can significantly influence your ability to execute successful email campaigns, making it a critical step for businesses aiming to leverage email marketing effectively.