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Guides and Tutorials Signup Form Builder

Signup Form Builder

Updated: May 23, 2024

A computer screen displaying a signup form builder with customization options.

Form-Type Selection

After clicking "Create Form" in the upper-right corner of the Signup Form Overview page, you need to decide on what form type you want for your new signup form. Let's go through the possible form types one by one - all of them have their advantages and disadvantages.

The Slider Signup Form appears after some time on the edge of your web page and then opens gradually. This form is not very intrusive, but it quickly catches the eye of the website visitor due to its movement.

The Page Inline Form is the least intrusive signup form. You place it statically in a specific spot on your web page, where it will always be visible. Many choose to place it on the top right corner of the webpage.

However, it is also possible to position the signup form at the bottom of all your articles, or even just under the best-performing article. This tactic will result in a form that will get comparatively fewer views, but a significantly higher conversion rate. Users will often choose to opt into your newsletter at the end of a good article.

The last signup form is the Popup Form. It appears in the middle of your page after a few seconds and must be actively closed to disappear. This is certainly the most offensive signup form, but this often leads to high conversion rates.

All form types have their advantages and disadvantages. The effectiveness of a particular form depends on various factors such as the nature of your business, the audience of your website, and other elements. To determine which form works best for your needs, it's advisable to experiment with different types and evaluate their performance.

Maildroppa form creation and editing page for sliders, popup widgets, and page inline forms.

Signup Form Builder

Below we'll take a look at how you can create your own signup form using the Maildroppa app.

The form builder is divided into two parts. On the left, you can see a rough preview of the signup form you are creating. You can make some basic changes to this initial preview directly. On the right side of the form builder, there is a menu where you can customize the rest of the signup form.

General Styles

In the General Styles section, you can make direct changes to the most important settings. These include but are not limited to:

  • Form Name

  • Background Color

  • Border Radius

  • Border Size

  • Font Family

  • Input Fields

  • Tags

  • Progress Bar

  • Input Styles

  • Input Label Styles

  • Subscriber Count

Header Text, Body Text, Button Text, Counter Text, and Footer Text can also be adjusted directly on the preview form on the left side.

We have taken great care to make the form builder self-explanatory. Should this not be the case, please don't hesitate to contact us - we will help you at any time!

However, we'd like to outline a few peculiarities that appear in each section, as we feel they need some further explanation. in the following, we would like to point out a few peculiarities which, in our opinion, require additional explanation.

Form Name

Each form needs to have a unique name. The name can be up to 80 characters long.

Form Position (Slider Form only)

The Slider Signup Form appears after a short delay at the edge of the screen of your web page. The position at which the slider appears is freely configurable.

Form position options.

Font Family

To match the look and feel of your website, you have the option to use the default font of your website as the font family. The font will be assigned to the form as soon as it is displayed on the website which means that you'll see the default font when editing the form in the Maildroppa builder.

Display Delay (Slider and Popup Form only)

The display delay allows you to specify how many seconds should pass before the slider or popup appears. If you display the signup form too quickly, your visitors may not be receptive to it yet. But if you display it too late, the user may have already left your website! As always - test, test, test.

Display Frequency (Slider and Popup Form only)

You can set how often you want to display the signup form to a returning visitor here. Too often, it is disruptive for your visitors; too infrequently, you reduce your signup rate. Again, you should test until you find the optimal value for your website and audience.

Input Fields

Add custom fields button.

You can add a new field either by clicking the “add custom fields” button on the left,

Input fields with options to add new fields as well as edit or delete existing fields.

or by clicking on “add custom Fields” in the menu on the right.


All tags added in this section will be assigned to any subscriber signing up through the given form.

Maildroppa tag interface with options to add new tags or delete existing ones.

To remove a Tag from the signup form, click on the delete icon.

Signup Conversion Optimization

The Maildroppa form builder offers you many options to maximize the conversion rate of your signup forms.

Progress Bar

The Progress Bar can be used in two different styles.

Progress bar that can be used in forms with options for 50% completed, 1/2 completed, and custom text.


If you select this option, a colored progress bar will appear in the header of your signup form, simply showing "50%". What's the point of this? Psychology, applied! People like order. This progress bar makes your customer feel like they're halfway through something, but not finished yet. This encourages them to fill out the form quickly and submit it. That's it. And it works! Don't think so? Try it out for yourself!


The idea behind this is similar to the 50% progress bar. But with the addition of the step indicator, you can define a concrete goal that your customer wants to reach. You could mention a lead magnet (also called a freebie). This could be, for example, a free eBook, or access to an exclusive video, that they will receive in a welcome email after they have subscribed to your newsletter.

Subscriber Counter

It takes a lot of trust to enter your private data on an unknown website, somewhere in the big wide net. It helps to see that many, many other people have done this before you. This is called social proof.

With Maildroppa you can display your actual subscriber numbers in real time on your signup form. This marketing technique becomes more effective as your subscriber numbers increase over time. New subscribers will see this as a sign of a trustworthy company and will share their information more freely.

However, it can have the opposite effect if you display it as a very new business. "0 subscribers and counting" unfortunately does NOT create trust.

If you are a new company, just starting out, it would be best not to display your subscriber numbers from the beginning. Wait until you have a decent number of subscribers, and see that the numbers are increasing steadily.

If you don't want to wait, you can opt to use our offset number instead. You can set this number freely, and it will be added to your actual current value of subscribers before that number is displayed in public. What can we say - sometimes you need to fake it till you make it! :)

The footer disclaimer is another element that should build trust. None of us like spam, so we are very careful about putting your data in the wrong hands.

A signup form with fields for first name and email address.

We respect your privacy. We'll NEVER sell, rent or share your email address.

Unfortunately, you can't prove that you are one of the good guys. But a simple promise to handle your customers' data with care can work wonders and increase your conversion rate by a few percentage points. Again - test, test, test!

Form Preview

Form preview button.

You can get a first impression of how your signup form will look like on the left side of the form builder. But you can get a more detailed view by clicking on "Form Preview" in the upper right corner.

Here you can see the preview of the Slider Signup Form in the “Top Center” position.

A preview of a signup slider, prompting readers to join an email newsletter.

Ready to create your newsletter?