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Guides and Tutorials Import Subscribers From a File

Import Subscribers From a File

Updated: May 23, 2024

Today, all major email marketing platforms offer the ability to export your subscribers through a CSV file. To learn more about how Maildroppa allows you to export your subscribers, click here.

Import from CSV

By default, Maildroppa supports the following fields: First Name (optional) and Email (required). Any additional fields or tags, like Last Name or Birthdate, or a special offer tag, you must create in the Maildroppa App before you start importing.

To import a CSV file, first click on the Subscriber tab.

Subscribers'page selected in the sidebar menu, displaying subscriber graph.

On the Subscriber page, click on "Add a New Subscriber" on the right side, below the (probably still empty) Subscriber Report. From the menu that appears, choose “Import from CSV”.

Subscriber page showing 'Add a New Subscriber' button with 'Import from CSV' option highlighted in a red rectangle

Select the File

On the next page, drag and drop the CSV file or select it from your computer.

Upload your subscribers dialog with a prompt to drag and drop a CSV file or choose a file from your computer.


Under Settings you can determine whether or not the first line is a header line containing the field and tag names.

You can also specify the status of the subscribers to be imported (confirmed, unsubscribed or blocked).

Finally, you specify the separator that was used to separate the records in the CSV file that you upload. Usually this is a comma. If the file was created with Microsoft Excel, a semicolon ";" would also be possible as a separator. If you don't know what this means - leave this setting unchanged. In the majority of cases the default setting will work.

Subscriber CSV upload settings: field names in first row, Status 'Confirmed,' File Delimiter 'Comma,' and Continue button.

Once you're done, click the Continue button.

Mapping CSV Columns to Custom Subscriber Fields and Tags

Now you will see a preview of your data. If your CSV file has a header in the first row, you will see the column headings listed on the far left. The next column allows you to match each column in the CSV file to a Maildroppa field.

On the far right, under "Sample Data", you will see the content of the first row of data, to make it easier for you to assign the fields.

When you have assigned all fields, click Import.

Mapping CSV Columns dialog showing headers and fields. Dropdown to match columns to fields, Import button at the bottom.

CSV file processing

The import of your subscribers will now take place. Incorrect records will be skipped, and existing subscribers will be updated.

CSV file processing screen displaying message 'Your file is being processed!' and a 'Return to Subscribers' button.

We will send you an email when the import of your CSV file is complete.

CSV import completion email: 'Good news! We've successfully processed the file you submitted. New subscribers added: 10.

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