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Guides and Tutorials Segmenting Subscribers

Segmenting Subscribers

Updated: May 23, 2024

Segments are created using the different fields and tags that are assigned to your subscribers. For example, subscribers with the tag “NEW-SUBSCRIBER” and “email-marketing-course” could be placed in a segment that targets new subscribers who are interested in your email marketing course. You can also create a segment from other segments, if you want to.

Segments allow you to divide your subscriber list into different subgroups that share common characteristics. You can then target your newsletter campaigns specifically to the needs of these subgroups. This increases the relevance and effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns, leading to more engagement and higher conversion rates.

An example of using segments would be to create different segments for different target groups, such as new customers and existing customers. You can then send personalized emails to each list based on their specific needs and interests.

Another example would be using segments to target subscribers who have shown interest in certain products in the past. You can then send personalized emails with offers for similar or complementary products to increase the likelihood of purchase.

Segments use subscriber fields and tags to filter which subscribers are included in the segment and which are not.

Adding a segment

The interface for adding a new segment in Maildroppa.

To add a segment, click on “Add a new segment” in the top right corner of the segment page.

Enter a segment name (up to 255 characters long). You will be able to access the segment later using this name.

In the section below, you can now choose fields, tags or, if available, other segments that you want to use to filter your subscriber list.

In the section below, you can now choose fields, tags or, if available, other segments that you want to use to filter your subscriber list.Within the existing filter group you can add further selection criteria that the subscribers of your segment have to meet. For example, you can create a segment that contains all subscribers marked with the tag "NEW CUSTOMER" and who have selected the value "USA" in the "Country" field. All elements of a filter group are combined with an "AND".

Alternatively, you can create another filter group. This filter group can be combined with the already existing filter group with an "OR". This way you can create increasingly complex filter rules. A segment can consist of up to 30 different selection criteria.

Editing a segment

The interface for editing an existing segment in Maildroppa.

To edit a segment, click on the three dots at the end of the line of the segment you want to edit. Click on "Edit". After you have customized the segment to your liking, click on "Update Segment" to confirm your changes.

Deleting a segment

The Segments tab where you can choose to edit or delete a segment.

To delete a segment, click on the three dots at the end of the line of the segment you want to delete. Click on "Delete". Type "DELETE" in the popup that appears to confirm the deletion of the segment.

Please note that a segment cannot be edited or deleted while it is being used by another segment or a scheduled newsletter. This is to avoid potential catastrophes ;).

Using Segments

The Maildroppa campaign setup page where a campaign can be sent to a specific segment or tag group.

As described before, segments are used to send newsletter campaigns that are more specific to the needs of the targeted subscribers.

To send a newsletter campaign to a previously created segment, click on "Create Campaign" as usual.

At the top of the "To" selection box, you can now select a segment. When you send out the campaign, the newsletter will be sent to all subscribers targeted by the chosen segment.

If you want to schedule a campaign to be sent at a later time, please keep in mind that the subscriber selection is performed at the time of sending, and not at the time when you schedule the newsletter campaign. This ensures that the newsletter is not sent to recipients who had already unsubscribed from your newsletter in the meantime, and it also ensures that new subscribers are also included in the marketing campaign.

Ready to create your newsletter?